Sunday, June 8, 2014

Snakeheads...OK no snakeheads


 Fritz, Jacob and I couldn't hook a snake but the three of us were fishing together on a lovely day so 90% of the day was perfect,  We had targeted the upper Occoquan at the Fall line as we'd seen snakes, caught, shot and snagged there.
Just above where we fished
The day was beautiful and the water was just low enough in this tricky area to be fishable.  We didn't have any luck right out of the gate but as the sun came up the fish started biting.  Catfish! This area has AMAZING diversity and in the pool we were fishing we've seen or caught, largemouth, shad, panfish, stripers, carp, snakehead and American eels. Our new find today was gar.  Huge gar, every-bit of 3-4 feet long and rising right in front of us, they appeared to be eating small bait fish that wandered into their elongated toothy grins.
We fished for 4 hours and Jacob easily outfished Fritz and I.  Together  we caught 15+ catfish ranging in size from 12-20 inches.  The highlight of the day was Jacobs catch of a 24" eel.   Thanks for taking that one off Fritz.

Excitable Eel

1 comment:

  1. Great post!

    World record Snakehead came out Aquia Creek:
