Saturday, May 2, 2015


Fish on ~ Letting the rod do the work above the Rt 1 Bridge
James and I were determined to beat the locals to the spot Saturday morning and it turns out we beat three local meat eaters (mom and daughters) by 30 minutes by arriving at the downstream tip of Riverside Island at 0550.  
Dawn breaks over Falmouth Heights
The air was heavy with fish, the ospreys were circling and we rigged up asw sun rose over Falmouth Heights.  It took a few minutes to study the flow but after we did we could clearly see (what we soon learned were) Shad rising right in front of us.  Seriously at our feet.
James with one of many -- many --many smiles today

As James and I admired our first fish my golden retriever was dangling a rods length from our admiration session and another shad yanked my rod. I took a spill on a hidden rock and got soaked so we didn't stay too long but while we were there it was SO GOOD.

Conehead Golden Retriever turns the trick
James and I had numerous doubles and these poor man's tarpon lived up to their nickname taking deep powerful runs and fin walking through the fast current.

Working the cold run
I've hit the shad run before with a spinning rod but never with a long rod and the 4 wt mid-flex Clearwater I had with me was perfect for these 12-17 inch torpedoes.  The rod bent and pulsed taking the measure of the fish and I frequently just put the butt in my hip and enjoyed the run.  Even more gratifying the shad seemed to love a version of the Mossy Creeks' Golden Retriever I tied for smallmouth season last year.  Great all-around fly.  Amazing.

James' Fenwick 5wt takes the measure of a shad
James' glass Fenwick also enjoyed a workout its classic brown-wrap glass tip dancing in the morning chill.  We left after 2 hours and went to Amy's Cafe for a warm-up breakfast and were home by 0945...great morning.

Amazing Mica-colors with pink and blue hues

The fish is thatta --> way
Love these no-catch rubber nets
Silvery scales ..these fish were very fresh

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