Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Confluence makes some new fisherman

Matt, Brody, Phil and Gavin ready to step off
Phil and I had been planning a fishing trip with his boys for several months and after my last foray on the South Fork I knew that we'd be better served to ditch the canoes and find a place to wade and play.  The confluence of the Rapidan and the Rappahanock was perfect.   Phil, Gavin, Brody and I met and chowed-down at Harold and Cathys then made our way south to Fredericksburg and then Northwest to Richarsonville winding our way through back country roads until we arrived at the Fredericksburg right of way.  The boys had played with fish before but had never been on a real fishing trip so I was anxious not to disappoint them. The water was beautiful and clear flowing at perfect mid-pool.  We stepped in loaded with spinning rods and beetle-spins and a lone 6wt for me.  We didn't have much luck in the Rapidan above the Confluence but as soon as the Rapidan joined the Rappahanock at and below the actual confluence the fishing picked up.   Gavin and I learned to look for fast dark water that we learned was also deeper water and found if you made a decent cast into the fast dark water you stood a pretty good chance of a bite.  Phil and Brody also began nailing them about 30m away.  Phil at one point caught several in a row in a honey pool.  I was actually the last one to land a bass and happily helped Gavin cast and quickly become a seasoned angler.  Seeing new fisherman catch fish is one of lifes great joys. The smiles on their faces tell the story.

Gavin in foreground , the view is back up the Rapidan
A great smile from Gavin's first fish

Gavin Quickly learned how to take a hook out, and yes he kissed this fish
Phil and Brody survey dark water

12" at top, finger, bail ....ready and cast

Brody was intimidated by nothing
Fish-on for Brody
Happy fisherman
Father and son at the Honey-pool
Gavin, fish-on in the dark water

surveying the confluence
Gavin with a VERY solid smallie, this guy foought like a 1992 Tyson
Gavin learning the long rod, strips in a nice smallie
Gavin's largest smallie

A Great smile says it all -- the four of us will have another fishing adventure 

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