Saturday, April 7, 2018

Nymphing darts on the Run

          The Shad run has yet to be steady.  The run has only been thick one day thus far.   My seventh trip was greeted by snow squalls and falling temps, grey sky and gusty winds breeding shivers.  I had to really work for my fish. Resident shad were in the usual holding water in small numbers and after moving around I finally found shad in one of the lower (bridge-side) deep slots of holding water.             
          Swinging streamers didn't work today and the best presentation was to cast upstream of your target water and nymph these heavy shad-dart-type flies back through the target following the fly with rod tip until the fly rides up at the end of the drift.  All in all a great day to be out on the river corralling these silver swimmers.

The Best things in Life are the People we love...
The Places we've been,
 the Rivers we've fished 
the memories made along the way

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