Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rapidan River 3/8/2012

3/8/12: Scott and I fished the Rapidan starting at the junction pool and heading down the fire road to the ford.  It was very windy and the wind disturbed the surface.  Fishing below the ford was not productive.  We started catching fish in the small pools upstream of the ford. This is some of the nicest trout water I have ever seen. After we left the junction pool we headed upstream/up the road till we came to Camp Rapidan.  We fished here as well.  The flow was about 1/2 the flow at the junction pool.  Scott caught four beauties here. I lost my dropper and didn't catch any.  We think that the road still had a mile to go before the gate downstream from Camp Hoover (we'll tackle this stretch later). All and all it was a great day.  I caught 6 and Scott probably caught 18!  I needed to get 3wt line as the level 4 I had on there killed my presentation.

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