Thursday, November 22, 2012

Scott's Beaver Creek Solo

  • I (Scott) arrived at the Ottobine Corner Market at 0540.  Not open yet, and there was one other car in the lot already. The friendly folks opened up at 0545 and I was 2nd in line for a pass.... no one else was around. I asked the first person where they were going, and it was a different section than me so no conflicts there.  I got back in the truck and set the alarm and snoozed till 0620 when it was just starting to get "less dark." I suited up and headed to the stream.  2nd cast, I got broken off clean with a big sculpin pattern. A good sign.

   I walked upstream with the intent of fishing streamers downstream.  after about 20 casts in the first hole, I hooked into a nice 15 inch rainbow.  I progressed moving down all the fishy looking water and picked up over the next 3-4 hours about a dozen rainbows to hand... the smallest was 13, the four largest 18, 19, 20 and 20. Best flies were sculpins and golden retriever.  I probably lost another half dozen after short battles and had a3-4 more clean breakoffs.  Definitely worth future trips. My Orvis magazine cover shot submission below.  If they don't want it, perhaps the Future Farmers of America might be interested...

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