Monday, March 4, 2013

Project Healing Waters 3-1-13

The Quantico & Belvoir Chapters of Project Healing Waters partnered for a wounded warriors flyfishing trip to Harmons Cabins on the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac in the mountains of West Virginia this past weekend.  I had the privilege of attending and lending a hand as a guide and also got to wet a line as well and fish this amazing stream.  The water was chilly -- 38 degrees, a little high, and a little faster than normal.  It snowed both days on the water.

More than 40 warriors and volunteer guides held court on the river and despite the tough environmental conditions, fish were brought to hand by nearly everyone attending the event.  PHW chapter coordinators Marty Laksbergs and Bob Gartner did one heck of a job in putting all the moving pieces together to make the event a huge success.  If anyone is not fully aware of the Project Healing Waters program -- Google it and learn what a terrific organization this outfit truly is and how it supports warriors nationwide.

I had the chance to guide for and fish alongside with my father-in-law Hans Svane -- and Air Force vet who served from 1967-1971.  Over two days we threw nearly every fly in the box at these trout -- sculpins, woolly buggers, nymphs, copper johns, midges.  We'd get a bump or short strike now and then, but the fish were few and far between.  On Day 1 -- Hans caught a 20 inch fallfish that I found out is a really huge fallfish!  Most fallfish fall in the 6-9 inch range.  This was the granddaddy apparently.

On Day 2, weather conditions were still a challenge, but reports were coming in from other warriors who were picking up some rainbows on san juan worms, copper johns and midges.
Matt joined us for the morning fishing, but having driven some 7-8 hours the previous night after attending a funeral in Upstate New York, he was pretty bushed.
We fished fast water, slow pools and everything in between trying to crack the code.  In between trying to keep our feet and hands functional, we had a few hits now and then, but that was all.

Finally later in the afternoon, I switched to a big sculpin and hooked a feisty rainbow. We packed it in for the day at that point.
After the group dinner that evening, Marty & Bob handed out raffle prizes to all the warriors that included a few fly rods & reels, nets, fly boxes and other gadgets.  What a great organization!

I headed back to Virginia Saturday night, but Hans fished Sunday morning with volunteer guide Drew Patterson from the Trout Unlimited Chapter in Winchester, VA.  Drew bunked in the same cabin as us and he's a genuine high quality guy.  What I couldn't do in two days, Drew did in just a few hours. He put Hans onto a nice rainbow before everyone packed it in for the day.  Thanks Drew.  Thanks Hans for coming out, and again kudos to Marty Laksbergs and Bob Gartner for putting the event together.

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