Friday, October 25, 2013

Another Rapidan Convert

My friend James and I were looking for a time to fish and this Friday turned out to be the day (a cast-out goes to Fritz and Scott ...wish you were with us). 
I was introducing James to Mtn Brook trout fishing so there was no question in my mind that we'd head to the Upper-upper Rapidan.  We had an uneventful drive in Clifford and didn't see a soul until we hit the campsites just down-stream from the Marine Cabins where a large camping group had taken up residence for the weekend, as it turned out they were more interested in their fire and sipping suds than fishing (Phew....had me worried for a minute).  We parked at the park gate, rigged up with standard dry-dropper tandems (elk hair caddis and a hares-ear for me & a parachute
adams and a pheasant tail for James) and made our to the stream just upstream from the pump-house. The temps were in the low forties, the wind blustery, the water at mid-level, cold and crystal clear....cold for us, but perfect for brookies.  We fished together, pool hopping and talking tactics and presentation.  After reacquainting ourselves with small-stream drift/drag, casting and line maintenance issues we began picking up fish in the usual spots.  The fishing was slow, but dragless drifts in non-spooked pools stood a 50% chance of a soft strike. 
We exited the river about 2/3 of the way to the Brown House, stashed our gear and walked 10 minutes to show James President Hoover's Retreat.  We lucked out as there was a volunteer docent there who let us in and was happy to share her knowledge. The Brown house was simple and elegant, I loved it.  After 30 minutes at the camp and having admired both Mill Prong and Laurel Prong we returned to Clifford concluding out trip.  A great day and hopefully a new convert to the beauty of the Rapidan.

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