Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Knapp Creek 2013 ~ Awesome

Trusty Matt-tied Golden Retriever
Scott met Mark Mitchell in the store 2 years ago and last year Mark invited Scott to his home in Marlinton, WV for two days of fishing. Scott, being the good soul that he is (or maybe he just tolerates me ‘as a carry me out of the river insurance policy’) asked if I could tag along and so began the blessing which is Mark Mitchell and the gem of a stream (Knapp Creek) that flows beside his family home in Marlinton. Mark invited Scott (and I) again this past week and we jumped at the opportunity, you see, Mark stocks his limited access section of creek with rainbows whose purpose in life seems to be putting a permanent smile on all those lucky enough to fish there.
Scott and I had began the day in NOVA, then hit Dry River then made our way up and over another 4 ridge lines west into West Virginia and hit Knapp Creek at 1530. Being familiar with the creek from last year’s adventure we waded the horseshoe ending up at Mark’s home racing the darkening shadows that chased us as the sun disappeared over the ridge and the cool November air turned cold. The river cobble & slate-slab creek was gin clear and 6-8 inches lower than we remembered it channelizing the rainbows in identifiable pools and runs. We began picking up 13-14 inch rainbows in the first pool and darkness settled before the bite stopped in an awesome late afternoon of fishing.
I used a recently tied golden retriever on a size 12/ 3x streamer hook for all the fish I caught. Scott had equal enjoyment using an old Orvis family heirloom bamboo fly rod his dad won in a New Hampshire fishing tournament in 1964. Its full flex action gave him some casting exercise and required a Paul Bunyan sized hook set, but he didn’t seem to care as he brought in the trout... old school fishing tackle.
4 pools above Mark’s house at the upper honey hole on the straightaway I hooked into a 21” 5 lb rainbow that has etched a permanent grin on my face. Thanks Mark! He was so big that I couldn’t hold him with two hands and had to press him against my breadbasket to restrain him for the obligatory trophy picture. After the sun set we ate at a local diner (Dorries …have the hot roast beef sandwich) and retired to Mark’s for MNF a warm fire and a few beverages. Tuesday morning began with coffee and another run of the horseshoe. Scott’s luck, good on the first day, was even better the second and using a familiar Orvis Access 4wt and a white wolly bugger began an
epic 5 hour stretch of rainbow success. I switched later to white buggers when it was apparent that they were the ticket but the big fish and numbers on day two belonged to Scott. By my count he had 2 +18 inch trout and another one that was every bit as big as my monster (20"+) a day earlier. Funny – I tried to net two of his fish and my net was too small -- even curved/folded over the net wouldn’t hold these monsters! True to form (when we’re lucky) we both caught a fish on our final casts and scaled the river at Mark’s house concluding an unforgettable two day span of fishing.
Scott's river monster ~ Jeremy would be proud!


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