Saturday, May 2, 2015

When I'm there, I'm there

Mr Rapidan does the trick

Where's your place?

My favorite rivers haunt my thoughts and center me.

Orvis endorsed
When I'm there, I'm there with darting trout finning in rocky beds, with the simple beauty of the cascading flow, with the moutain laurel casting cool shadows and the splendor of the forest. I am precisely where my feet are and happily lost.

Peek-a-boo...this trout was resting after release

Few thoughts intrude and a soothing rhythm guides me: survey, step, steady, check back-cast, check leader, cast, once, twice, pause at top, release, unfurl, find fly, mend to the seam, tip-up, line off water, reduce drag, monitor drift, repeat.

I sat on the near log and caught 2 in the pool

 Those that don't know these watery hollows and hiddens pools ask me if I keep my catch, I smile as I only borrow them. When the day is done I return to a more complex place at once exhausted and renewed.

Trout Poem courtesy of Harper Danforth (well done Harper)

Rapidan trophy

resting and rergrouping

Moss-Flume pool
Mr Rapidan worked well as it floats high and can be seen in the white froth

Water-Color masterpiece

Keepin him in the water

pool after pool of perfection
Thx for looking -- Matt and I are going back to fishing

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