Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Last Smallie Trip of the Year

Henry, James and I get started with Pyramid Cliffs in the background
One more smallie trip of the year beckoned and Henry wanted to swing streamers on his new TFO 8wt prior to our trip next week to the Salmon River so James, Henry and I converged at Newport, VA and slid into the cool(ing) water.   
Henry Casts a nice loop
The air was 61 degrees and the water was running higher (1.3 ') than our last trip to this stretch.   We swung streamers and small tubes to the bronzebacks who were more reserved than previous trips to this prime smallmouth stretch.    
We were well armed for the fish

As I look back, its apparent that the prime-time to fish this water is July and August and that after Labor Day I should return my attention to little blue lines and mountain trout.  We probably caught 75 smallies between the three of us, consistent action, but not nearly the non-stop frenzy of August. That said we had a great time, each caught our share and enjoyed our time on the water.
James Glides into an Ansel Adams scene
Fish on for Henry
Damp but happy James dries off after and underwater recon of the this fishy stretch
Small but feisty Henry Shows off his catch
James surveys a thousand places to fish
Fish-on -- This is my kind of calculus -- James captures Henry under the curve of his happy long rod
my 10'6" 5wt Switch bends with the fight of this smallie...Note: Keep-em in the current and they feel bigger!
I love this photo -- Henry alone on the River surveys a seam
Who is looking at Who  -- until next Summer

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