Sunday, April 3, 2016

Lazy Friday in the Mtns

With a Friday morning unexpectedly open I took off to my favorite mountains for a revival. The weather was warm and rainy when u arrived with the promise of clouds and rain to follow. After a 30 min walk in and up I began trouting at the boulder pools at my newly favorite stream. After three casts I had my first trout and the day looked great. I grabbed my camera to capture this fine spec and found that my SD card and camera were not on the same page so no pictures of this adventure. I fished up toward the 40-min waterfall but never made it there as I took my time and pulled trout from near every stayion. After a sandwich And three hours on the stream realized that I was on a bit of an energy low so I decided to head back to NOVA and see my girls. 27 BTH. 

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