Saturday, March 31, 2018

B&B Family -- All Over the Water

What a wonderful time of the year for the Brookies and Bronzeback Team.   Last week Fritz and brother Paul nailed bull, redfish, amberjack and speckled trout in LA where the Mississippi runs into gulf! Two days ago Henry worked the Gallatin River in near Big Sky bringing to hand a grand slam or browns, bows, cutts and white fish and now the shad are here in force here in Northern Virginia.

Paul and Fritz and AmberJack

Hen and Family w a new snowy brown on the Gallatin
I hadn't been back to the Piney River in years, my last trip there was with Scott before he headed to Florida.    It's a place with nice memories.    Its hard to access with only a single bridge-side parking spot then a climb over a forbidding fence to reach the public SNP right of way.   A .3 mile brings you past the private cottages and to the SNP trail pillar.  Another 5 Min upstream brings you to a river gauge station.    Use this water gauge as a catching feature and force yourself to walk another 15-min past beautiful water before you drop in.  The further you walk the greater the fish density.

This beauty was caught by James on his last  cast of the day!

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