Monday, June 3, 2013

Downstream from Junction Pool With Bill

Bill and I had been looking for a time to get out and Fritz' promotion allowed us an opportunity.  I picked up Bill early in a driving rainstorm which thankfully dissipated west of route 29.  We enjoyed catching up, geared-up at Junction pool and headed down stream about 400 yds.  The water was gin clear and not blown out as we feared.  We could see recent tracks on the path so we knew that the deluge must have missed the upper Rapidan.  We were rigged with dries and droppers addressed the pools, riffles and pocket water without success. 
As we moved upstream we spooked fish so we knew they were there but couldn't get them to rise or take a take a shallow dropper.  I moved from a sulphur-parachute to an elk-caddis and finally had an aggressive top-water strike from a 7 inch brookie who hadn't received the "no-bite" message.  Bill picked one up as well as time expired on our short trip.  Scenery & Company: A, fishing D.   As as adjunct to this post I'm including a 20.5" Brown caught by my friend Jack Davis on his home waters in the Lehigh Valley -- way to go Jack.

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