Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jackson River - new waters/new venture 6-17

I had been wanting to hit the Jackson for some time.  With all the controversy surrounding the property rights and public access of the Lower Jackson, I hit the Upper above Warm Springs.  The water temp was 67 degrees which is pushing it for trout sustainability - I suspect many have hightailed it already in search for cool springs. 
The river ran mostly thru pastureland and was characterized by shallow runs, a few deeper bends and pools.  No real bug activity was going on.  Rainbows were the target, but were not the most caught species.  Over the course of the day, I brought to hand, a rock bass, 4-5 smallmouth bass, a handful of little steelhead stocked by Fish and Game and about 25 of these guys...... the notorious river shiner.

... most were in the 6-7 inch range, but I actually landed 3 that were pushing 16 inches. 

But on a day when the fishing isn't fast & furious, sometime any bend of the rod is a good thing, and these guys happily obliged.

I used my new Helios 2 8'4"2-wt for this trip.  It's as good as advertised, and hooking some 17-18 inch rainbows in moving current nearly doubles that rod over yet it has the backbone to handle it and control the fish.Here's the proof....

I never cracked the code for what was working today.  I picked up the rainbows on Golden Retrievers, Prince and Pheasant Tail Nymphs and one on a Green Weenie.   I did have some company by the river and he didn't seem bothered by my being on his (or is it her) turf. 

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