Saturday, October 10, 2015

Early Fall at Cedar Run

Decent brookie for these small waters
Lord knows I like catching and releasing fish but the more I do I realize that it's not just that. It's about richly and fully appreciating the moment, about connecting and sharing moments with friends, those on the stream and those not.  And for an immensely satisfying instant being part of nature not apart from it, drinking it in and having it sustain you.  After having a great adventure with Bill Pfeiffer and Henry last weekend Scott Larochelle and his bride Carole were on my mind as James and I made our way into the mountains to a little blue line I'd never fished but already knew.

James addresses a typical small pool
Despite flooding from last weeks storms and 'Closed' signs, Cedar Run was running clear enough that we stopped on an old bridge to marvel at its clarity, the sun and the shadows conspiring to render the water transparent, each detail of the cobble there for all to see. Cedar Run drains a steep hollow west of Old Rag and is twin to White Oak Canyon nestled just to its east. Together they form a popular waterfall infested loop-hike and as their waters merge in Berry Hollow the main stem of the Robinson River takes shape. The trout here are not so numerous as in Rapidan but that's a common remark and our colorful partners kept us busy striking at well presented dries in the usual holding spots.
Staying behind the rocks high-sticking a fly into the pool above

Fly fishing is also about the anticipation, the coffee, the drive, the ritualistic gear-up, the knots, the flies and the walk.   Standing in the stream its easy to forget, but important to remember that you're standing in a work in progress, a gorge and riverbed being carved since the last ice age. The boulders providing shelter for the ageless trout leaning into the current and always losing. Contemplating the stream is a lesson in humility, you realize how temporary you are how you should treasure these moments and these memories.

James (center in the stream) appear one with boulders as colors merge
Taking cover behind a boulder James optimizes his presentation
James at 'lower' Cedar Run Falls..awesome waterfall
We must take adventures to find out where we belong

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