Friday, October 30, 2015

High on the Hazel

An Adams leads a Brookie to hand on the Hazel River
James and I headed out for Jeremy's Run this morning and were thwarted in our efforts to find a parking place or trail head in the 340 corridor, I suspect that the best and easiest access may be from Skyline drive.  After looking at our options and and itching to get on the water we decided to scoot through Thornton Gap, head through Sperryville and try our luck on the Hazel River.  The air was crisp at 43 degrees and the wind was pulling at the remaining leaves on the oak trees when we stepped onto the hiker trail heading up the side of the Hazel.   The water was still running high from the weeks drenching rain.   As we walked I looked at the stream and figured that we could still fish about 40% of the normally fishable water, high but still worth the trip.  We had to work for our brookies today as they hugged the bottom to keep out of the rain swelled current. I enjoyed fishing with my 1-wt as it loads with only a leader and worked well for the very technical fishing called for today.

Oak trees hold dear to their last remaining leaves

James stalks up a long run

Brookie led by the lip

Last trout on last cast of the day
Amazing Colors
fall colors abound
Happiest in the water
In the moment contemplating a hole
a handsome male

We had lunch at this pool
James sneaks into a small pool
on a fall plate of red
Thanks for fishing with me today

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