Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trout School on the Jackson River 6-21

Orvis hosted a Trout School on the Jackson River (upper section) on Friday, June 21.  I had the opportunity to guide for Carl, Trish, Barb and Hans throughout the day.  They all fished extremely well, and required little guidance & instruction from me.  So I was happy to photo document their successes.  Needless to say, the fish were cooperative.

The river temp was 67 degrees.... getting warm for the trout, but if we could find some deeper or faster moving water,  aggressive rainbows could be found.

Here, Barb was working a run on the far side f the bank up against some rip rap rock structure when she hooked up to a nice fish using a #14 Prince Nymph.

.... the rainbows all pushed 16+ inches with broad shoulders.

Trish, shown here, working a stretch of river swinging some streamers down and across the current.

..... with a nice 'bow to show for her efforts.

Carl worked a streamer thoroughly through this run before striking paydirt with another hookup.

These trout were leapers and fighters.

Hans spent much of the morning nymphing and found success with a Pheasant Tail. This trout was laying under that overhanging tree shown in the picture.

This trout fell for a swinging streamer later in the day.
All in all, the day proved a tremendous success.  The water offered varied challenges for presenting the flies, and the group did an awesome job in getting the flies into the right feeding lanes for the trout to strike.

"Fish On!

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