Friday, May 13, 2016

Entry Run

After leaving the Pocosin I wound my way around Trump and and shine country until I found South River and its major tributary Entry Run off 642 and its smaller cousin 643.

Entry Run Road Parallels Entry Run but is gated where the "P" is and there's available parking for 4-5 cars.  I believe that Collects Run as seen on the map is the run that travels due north but I couldn't see it from the road.

From the Parking proceed up the well marked trail and follow it up the left side of the Run until you choose to hop in.    This is a small run that begins with a relatively low gradient then (a map study reveals) gets much steeper as you push deeper into the darkness.  I walked up for 3 minutes, didn't see any sign of much pressure so I hopped in the stream and even though it too was running high began to slime by #14 Mr. Rapidan with speckled trout goo  :-)

I didn;t stay for long but enough to get the pay of the land bring another half dozen Entry Run
brookies to hand.   It very much looked like a place to explore if the other more popular SNP streams are chocked with fisherman. On my way to entry run I had passed over South River a mile to the south so after a quick sandwich I kicked Jamie's muddy tires and left with another stream to add to my collection.

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